
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Is Your Light Darkness?

Most People Don't Come to the Truth Because They Think
 They Already Have the Answers

 Is Your Light Darkness?Over the years I've talked to hundreds of people about their views of God and how someone gets into heaven. You would probably be amazed at the wildly contradictory answers I've received. Obviously, there are right and true answers about who God is and what he requires of men and women order for them to be allowed entrance into heaven.

But so many people have their own unique beliefs which it seems that no else in the whole world holds. In their minds they've concocted a unique scenario for how things should work in the spiritual world; what they believe often has no real basis in any biblical or religious truth. When you question people about why they have these beliefs, it becomes obvious that their semi-logical views are often based upon personal prejudices, childhood experiences and an eclectic mixture of conflicting religious concepts they've picked up over the years.

Now, it's important for you to know that Jesus himself stated clearly that a man's personal beliefs will actually keep him from the truth and from heaven rather than lead him to safety.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ said: "But if your eye is bad (or evil), your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!" (Matthew 6:23 NASB). The first time that I really stopped to ponder the second sentence in that verse, I found it to confusing and even contradictory.

Light and darkness are mutually exclusive concepts. You can't have light and darkness in the same place at the same time. Either a room is dark or it is lit up. Now I know you can have shadows and dim light, but true light and true darkness are total opposites. If you snuff out the light in a room, you suddenly have darkness; nor do you have to bring darkness into a room inside of bags to displace the light. Darkness just takes over when the light is turned off. Darkness really is the absence of light and light's power is what overcomes the darkness.


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