
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Will You Go Quietly to Slaughter?

We Need to Learn From the Horrible Experience
Of the Holocaust So That We're Ready

Have you ever viewed any of the historical materials about the holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis? You should know that except for what happened in the Warsaw Ghetto, few of those being rounded up actually resisted, let alone fought back. It's amazing when you think about it, that any society would be able to round up and kill over six million of its own inhabitants and just a handful would resist.

Of course, these people certainly did not understand at first that they were being exterminated. It's difficult for normal people to comprehend what psychopathic minds can conjure up. Morally based human beings will reject the unlikely possibility that their government and their fellow citizens could actually perform such a beastly genocide upon them. These people were told they were being "relocated" and would soon be reunited. Because the lies promised hope, they went quietly to slaughter.

Evil prefers to creep up. Most would reject depravity if they fully discerned its heinous intent. So wickedness camouflages its mission. It masquerades within the civility of a crisp police or para-militaristic uniform. Evil pretends to be legitimate authority, the one bringing order and protection from terror. In truth, unbridled authority is the greatest evil of all.

How can you tell if a country, a government or your own politicians are evil? It really is easy if you'll open your eyes and LOOK carefully at what they DO, not just what they say.

In the past, I counseled many young women who were having relationship problems with husbands and boyfriends. They would listen to what a man said to them, and if they liked the guy, they would have a tendency to believe him even if their spirit told them he was lying. So when they asked me if a guy really loved them, my standard response was: "Don't just listen to his words; look at his behavior. If he says he loves you, but his deeds don't bear that out, you'll have your answer."

Deeds are a far better indication of anyone's true beliefs than what they say. Any government that lies to you over and over again, isn't really honest at all. There comes a point where you are a fool if you keep believing all of the lies they tell you. "Read my lips, no new taxes." "If you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep your doctor and your plan." Any politician who consistently tells us what we want to hear instead of what the truth is, does not have our best interests at heart. So don't be surprised when next they want you to drink some of their kool-aid.

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